Monday, February 13, 2012

The Journey Begins

The People Who Made This Possible

Solianos Sound Solutions... A name that will definitely be remembered by many in the years to come. 

I started this to carry on the legacy left by the late Alfonso Soliano who has influenced and inspired people from all walks life. Alfonso Soliano was also a teacher to many others not only his children and grandchildren and for those who speaks of him highly still, I thank you. 

My father, Coni Soliano, humblest amongst his siblings has left his very own mark in this industry. His capability is always appreciated by anyone who listens. I have seen listeners seating on the edge of their seat during his solos and just being in awe. I am proud to say he is my father.

Solianos Sound Solutions was formed with strong planning and experience personals that has dedicated their lives to music and good sound.

From 2008 to 2011, the planning and research team work tremendously hard to try and achieve perfection.

The teams hard work paid off late 2010 when they managed to create a brand that would be recognized and remembered timelessly.

Solianos Sound Solutions has a foundation of great stature and passion for music from all kinds of walks.

The believe and strength of Solianos Sound Solutions will definitely take the music industry to another level and also lead the way for all the music studios and recording labels in this country.

Wynton Jose Soliano

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